Rome, October 1st – On the fault line of current conflicts, starting from the one in Ukraine, there is a tendency to…
The article Evola, the West and multipolarism: “There is no other civilization that can serve as a support” comes from Il Primato Nazionale.
In recent years, the world has been witnessing a rise in conflicts and tensions, particularly in the international arena. From the ongoing conflict in Ukraine to the tensions between the United States and North Korea, it seems that the world is becoming increasingly divided. However, amidst all this chaos, there is a growing movement towards multipolarism, a concept that has been gaining traction in recent years.
One of the key figures in this movement is Julius Evola, an Italian philosopher and esotericist who has been a major influence on the development of the concept of multipolarism. In his works, Evola argues that the modern world is in a state of decline and that the West has lost its traditional values and spiritual roots. He believes that the only way to overcome this decline is through a return to a multipolar world, where different civilizations can coexist and thrive.
According to Evola, the current conflicts and tensions in the world are a result of the West’s attempt to impose its values and way of life on other civilizations. He argues that this is a futile effort, as each civilization has its own unique identity and cannot be forced to conform to Western standards. Instead, Evola advocates for a multipolar world, where each civilization can maintain its own identity and contribute to the diversity and richness of the world.
In his writings, Evola also emphasizes the importance of traditional values and spirituality in the development of a civilization. He believes that the West’s focus on materialism and consumerism has led to a decline in its spiritual and cultural heritage. In contrast, other civilizations, such as those in the East, have maintained a strong connection to their traditional values and spirituality. Evola argues that the West can learn from these civilizations and incorporate their values into its own, creating a more balanced and harmonious society.
The concept of multipolarism has gained support from many intellectuals and leaders around the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin, for example, has been a vocal advocate for a multipolar world, calling for a more equal distribution of power and influence among different civilizations. Chinese President Xi Jinping has also expressed support for multipolarism, stating that “the world should be diversified and colorful, and not a celibe color.”
In the face of growing tensions and conflicts, the concept of multipolarism offers a ray of hope for a more peaceful and harmonious world. It encourages a dialogue and understanding between different civilizations, rather than a clash of ideologies. As Evola himself stated, “there is no other civilization that can serve as a support” for the West. It is time for the West to embrace multipolarism and learn from other civilizations, in order to create a more balanced and prosperous world for all.
In conclusion, the concept of multipolarism, championed by figures like Julius Evola, offers a positive and hopeful vision for the future. It encourages a return to traditional values and spirituality, and promotes a more equal distribution of power and influence among different civilizations. As we navigate through the current conflicts and tensions, let us remember Evola’s words and strive towards a multipolar world, where diversity and cooperation are celebrated.